All I can say is I am so stinkin happy. Why? Gosh I dunno. Can't even sum it up, there are so many reasons. Too many. I sit here every week wonderin how on EARTH I'm gonna narrow my week to a few sentences. It's ridiculous and right now I feel it's impossible! There's too many good things. How about you all fly out to see me and I just stay here and keep living in such awesomeness and I'll just tell it to your face?
No? Fine.
Second of all, the Spirit is STILL following me and helping me make many many decisions daily. That is a wonderful feeling because, things may not be smooth, but I'll still be calm. I feel like sometimes even I'm in this storm, just yesterday actually. It was the apostles on the sea kind of storm, turbulent and dark and overwhelming and our hands were to our faces and we shrunk our shoulders to cry and then suddenly the Spirit of the Lord steps in and says PEACE, be still. And even just thinking of the feeling now is drooping my eyelids with pure focus and calm. I desire the Will of the Lord. I'm working hard therefore, whatever happens is God's will, and it is just and it is what's best. And as John says it, the truth will make me freeeeee.
Thirdly I've got amazing friends here in Kansas. It is such a joy to see people change from the gospel of Jesus Christ.... it's so hard to grasp the gospel and muster the strength to do what is BESTEST sometimes. Yet once you are back in the swing of things you can't ever imagine slacking again. You want to repent all day and keep a prayer in your heart and sing out loud and hug people and be patient and kind. These good friends of mine right this very moment are finally letting more of the atonement change them and they are happier and WOW it makes ME happier and joyous to see them improving. All because of our Savior Jesus Christ. The big brotha.
Basically I'm in love with being a missionary. I'm constantly puzzled about what I will do when the time comes to transition into home life and "what media will I watch??" and "where will I go??" and "would I ever return to crummy ol Kansas???" keep getting at me. Probs because I just hit my one year mark. HAPPY B-DAY SISTA MURPH DAWG. I'm a one-year-oldsie. ?Que estrano??? Spanglish haha. Cramer and I are good at that Spanglish thing on door approaches. Hola! Nosotros misionarios (as?) de la inglesia de Jesu Cristo des los ultimos dias! Tenemos un libro, el libro de Mormon! Podes.... leer? bad.
Love yall! Hope life is wonderful!! I really hope you are loving people and being loved back most importantly, and following spiritual promptings. As Monson says, it's his most favorite feeling when he acts on a thought, then later discovers it was the answer to someone's prayer. Be that answer to someone's prayer today, eh?? Awesome!!
Sista mmmm
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