Helllooooo from rainy-days Kansas! The soil here is actually just sand (I have NO idea how we produce so much wheat and corn for America with such terrible growing ground)(maybe wheat enjoys sand??). We need rain so badly for our harvesting, however because the ground doesn't absorb any of the water it just floods everywhere. Can't complain, I rather like diving through puddles in our car!
The second guy was merely christian, didn't bring up going to a particular church (bonus!) and has a fantastic bible background. We got to reason with him on the need for the Book of Mormon, and how it was prophesied to emerge from the lineage of Joseph. He couldn't deny it and happily accepted a book to read. I just love respectful bible bashers, it was a wonderfully kind and civil doorstep conversation.
I am staying in Derby for another transfer with mi companiera! She and I have felt it's okay if I learn spanish by reading el libro de mormon during lunch. WOHOO! Things here are going good. I'm learning from my companion how to love greater and with more diligence. She is fantastic, I'm so pleased to keep learning from her, I know I've got unfinished business to work out here, and I'm determined to finish the crap out of it with the guidance of my Father.
To finish off real quicksies, I've been studying about Christ as the good shepherd, "and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." There is no other voice a herd of sheep would follow, only their one shepherd. I have been learning from the scriptures what the voice of the Savior really would sound like and what he would say if He were to appear before us. It has been profound to experience such a journey of coming closer to Him as I learn more and more!
Love you all! Hope you have a glorious week!
Sister Murphy Senior
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